Well Abandonment Services
Over Drilling
Certain States (Such as NC and KY) Requires Wells to be Abandoned by Over Drilling the Casing, Removing the Casing/Screen From the Hole, and Then Tremie Grouting the Subsequent Hole.
Over Drilling Using 4.25 in. to 12.25 in. I.D. Hollow Stem Auger in Overburden.
M & W Drilling can Either Overdrill the Wells by Using Properly Sized Hollow Stem Augers or by Milling the Casing by Using Air Rotary Drilling Methods (with a Stinger Bit).
M & W Drilling Pre-Mixes a Cement-Bentonite Grout, with a Predetermined Grout Density That is Pumped into the Hole From the Bottom Up.
Mud Scales are used to Confirm Grout Weight.
contact us today (865) 690-0128